Wednesday, October 31, 2007


im moving peeps.
in a week.
basically all my stuff is there already.
so im moving very2 soon.
since most of my ladies are not here in our tanah air,
so i cant make any house warming.
maybe raya open house.
a simple one.
at our new house.
ill sent text messages to the u guys.
pls come.
like seriously come.
panda, hang jgn nak mengada, and jaja oso.
just because i did datang at ur open house,
dosent mean that u have all the rights not to go to mine.
so sorry ja.. i was sick. i dint even go to aunty rosni`s that night.
and panda, i had to do work.
packing and unpacking.
so sorry.
fah is coming homee!!!
hell yeeeeeeeaaah!
we had bloody good times in melbourne dint we?

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