Friday, March 14, 2008


sorry i have not update my blog for sooo.. bloody hell...un-imaginely.. long time
its because ive just move in to a new housing area
where wireless is a ???
not really a valid reason, but what evss..
anyways, whats new in my life?
ive finish my 1st sem at kdu after deferring for a year,
rambut pon dah panjang,
alia dah tak botak mcm rock star lagi
ive move
still no strings attached,
twinkle is still alive,
my parents just miss the flight last 3 days to maldives
but they bought a new ticket anyway,
tu je la kot,
im having my semester break people!
just ring ring ring me pls.
lets go out and catch up about eachother.
miss u guys a looooooots.
cepat baliks.
kau ni dok k.l tapi berzaman tak jumpa.