Wednesday, October 31, 2007


i am guilty of not updatng my blog..
fine.. i take the blame.
anyway, how was raya?
mine was great.
we usually q up for collecting duit raya.
its accordingly by whos the oldest,
get to q up infront.
so fah is older than me 2 months. watever!
she get to get the duit raya 5 seconds earlier than me,
and i will always purposely/unpurposely.. watever?
pijak her kain.
but this year.. i cant. cuss shes in melobourne,
wat ever babe.. terasa ok u tak da?
the thing that i love the most about raya is..
nonono not the food.
the duit raya!
money never smell so good in the raya morning.
fah tak dapat!!! padan mukaaa!!!
anyway. maaf zahir batin everyone.
eve tho i dont hurt people,
cus im such an angel..
i noe right?
wat else.. wat else...
oh yea.. ja! ko buat prom tak ajak aku ok?
siot la kau
mcm ni la skang
kate negaraku fren?
wat kind of negaraku friend tak ajak pg prom?
dah la wei.. dah la..
oh yea.. pavillion rocks maaaaaaaaaaan!
when my dad ada la.. when my dad tak da.. mmg useless la tempat tu.
im going to mexico in 4 more months.
rindu siot lenny aku.
aye... lenny... mm...

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